Tattoos as Talismans

Tattoos hold a certain kind of magnetic energy. The more I dive into understanding the essence of the soul, beyond the physical body, the more I am able to look at the sentient art of tattooing through a deeper lens. As I continue to absorb more information, I look at my own skin covered in tattoos. They have been applied through different phases of my personal growth, telling a story of sorts beyond my initial intentions. As an artist now, I love offering even a fraction of insight into how your current or future tattoos might be an outlet connecting you to certain energy. Maybe there is something inside all of us scratching underneath our skin that wants to be outwardly expressed. Whether intentional or not, whether it still serves us still or not, its all connected.

When I speak on topics involving symbolism and the spirit, its easy for one to say “I dont believe in that kind of stuff”— The ego naturally resisting a new perspective and a deeper understanding of self and others. The moment you push past the limits of your belief system is when symbols and energy begin to make sense.

Tattoos are believed by many to open a window to gaze into the dimensions of your soul. An ancient form of alchemy— translation via creation. There are so many cultures that honour this knowledge through all mediums of art. A deep connection to nature, spirits, mythology, dreams, past lives. There is evidence of this in the use of symbolic tattooing rituals. A tool used for manifestation, for honouring, for connecting.

This is a lost language of expression through modern culture today. Society (trends, influences, aesthetics) create a foggy atmosphere leading to an unawareness of the auric field. Blurs the links between the seen and the unseen realms which we quantumnly exist in at all times. If you begin to look at the body as a whole energetic system, the doors unlock and allow you to look at your past tattoos as revealing the subtle realm of your essence.

While inking your skin spontaneously or unintentionally is equally admirable, & a daring statement, it also may reveal your subconscious state to you. Where you were at certain times and phases of your life. With new insight we can hold space without judgement for the places we’ve been, or where we are still headed with no regrets.

The world of tattooing is so vast and magical. If we lean in to using tattoos as self divination—to learn about yourself while combining a modern appreciation of art in a deeper more intentional way—you can have a new ability to raise or lower your vibration. Attuning your frequency to something permanently. As above so below.

The Hidden Meaning of Tattoos: Conscious Ink by Lisa Baretta — a beautiful collection of information


The Necessity of Creation: The Love & Danger of it


How I Use Tarot for Introspection & Guidance